Monday, March 7, 2011

Andrews Birthday

The day before Andrew was born i had decided to take a walk with some friends. They wanted to play softball. I told them i could hit it but couldnt run. They told me no you cant your pregnant. I told them watch me. So i grabbed the bat and got ready to hit. They threw the ball and i hit it. Well when i swung i felt a pain. But i diddnt think nothing of it because it went away. So some of the other girls played and then we went home.Well we got to the house where i was staying at the time and felt like i had to pee. So i go in the bathroom and my undies are wet. I go walking out and ask one of the girls, how do i hnow whether my water bag has a leak or it broke? they said if i was wet. I looked at them and said well i think it just did.They immediatly go into panic mode and call an ambulence. So i get to the hospital. The doc says that my water did break and that i was 2cm.I tell them i need to get a hold of my mom. She didnt have phone. So i called Maryanne Conti and she goes and picks my mom up. They are there within a matter of minutes. I was so happy to have her there. She never left my side.No matter how much i cried and hollered she told me i could do it. Then Andrew got stuck on my pelvis. Oh my goodness it hurt so bad. They had a fetal moniter on his head because his heart rate kept going up and down. They were preping to do emerency c-section and my said no, Ali do one more push.So pushed one more time and out he came. I felt so relieved. While they were stiching me up because i ripped, i passed out. I woke upi think a a day later and there she was with him in her arms. i was so happy. I was kinda scared to hold him at first. When i did, it felt so wonderful.After about a week i finally got to go home. It was hard at first to carry him but i got used to it. He ate so much when he was little. He had a hard time keeping milk down. I swicthed his milk three times. Finally i got the right one. She was there when i needed something for him. She was so proud to have grandbaby.


  1. Dang, good thing you were able to push him out just one more time. C-sections totally suck!

  2. It's hard to read the font you are using. :P My eyes are killing me trying to read it. Phooey.

  3. sorry abot the font i will change it for you. I didnt want one and my mom yelled at the doc to not prep
