Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So i waited till i was at least two weeks because i still had sticthes. I decided that i was going to make surprise visit to my mom. I got to the door and was so nervous because i didnt know how she would react. I knocked on the door and my sister awnsered the door and told she had a surpise. I walked into her room and said hello. She was happy and surprised at the same time. I presented Nathaniel to her and she took him. She had a big smile on her face. She said he was big but not as big as Andrew. I told her he had blue eyes and she said really and was trying to get him to open his eyes. He did finally and she was really excited. I let her feed him and burp him. So we talked for awhile about how she was doing. My sister veronica was pregnant at the time and was getting pretty big herself. It was such a fun day. Then we got kicked out of the apartment we were living in because the owners were turning them into condos. I was so upset. So went into a shelter again. Then we got into place where i could pay weakly. but after a week i didnt have any more money because i had to buy things the boys what they needed. While i was there i met some people. They were looking to adopt because they couldnt have children. I was stuggling so bad that i didnt know what to do. I was thinking about giving the boys up for adoption. They wanted my baby, so i was going let them have them. After that they were going to move to California. I decided to go with them because i wanted get on my feet. So i moved to Cali. I got there and we got stranded. Then we met some supposed to be church people. I started having bad dreems about my baby boy. S i went and told them i wanted him back. They were not happy. So they moved on. Then her daughter who was pregnant at the time had a baby. She called to let me know she had the baby and that it was a girl. I was like ok. Well no later than a week later CPS showed up at my work asking to speek to me. I said ok. So we went and sat down and they told me that they had got a report that i had thrown my baby against the wall. I looked at them and said what wait a minute. I told them who in the hell told them that. I told them i could never anything like that. I love my boys and could never hurt them. They said ok. So they closed the case.

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh, that story of someone lying about you pissed me off really bad!!! How dare they try to get them taken away just to have him or out of spite. Argh.
