Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nathaniels Birthday

So we fellout for awhile but i kept in touch with my sister so i knew what was going with my mom. Shortly after that i had went to do a test for the baby to make sure he was ok. The doc didnt like the results of the tests so she said go into the maternity ward so you can be induced. I was what wait a minute i am not due for another week or two. I was so scared. So i went back into the maternity ward and got changed and comfortable. Then i called my friend and she came running up to the hospital. The doc put some kind of tab on my cervix to get me started. SO we sat and waited for it to kick in. But it didnt work to well. so they gave me a dose of patossun. Wow that stuff worked good. But unfortunatly i didnt have him till the next night. Man i had such a hard labor with him. They had to put me on the epideral pump because i was in so mu ch pain. I was finally able to push him out. I was so happy. But boy he did a number on me to. Thank god though the doctor had some sense and cut me instead of letting me rip. I was not as sore as i was with Andrew. I actully healed pretty fast. MY baby boy was born with olve skin and blue eyes. about a week after i had got home I decided to make surprise visit to my mom. She was so surprised and happy. She held him and she fed him. She was suprised that he had blue eyes. She told me that he was so much lighter than Andrew was. That was the last time she ever got so see him because i moved. I felt so bad and still feel guilty about it. I am so sorry mom i hope she forgave me for i loved her so

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