Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Beginning of a family

I got home from the hospital and could hardly walk because of the stitches. I live in a group home for young single mothers. It was a horrible place for me and some of the other girls i know. They tried to cut us off from our families and friends. I was one of the only girls to open my mouth and stand up. But unfortunatly it got me in alot of trouble. I eas aloud to go to a family church picnic. My stepdad had dropped us off and then said was going to be on time to pich us up for curfew. I had brought a few of the other girls with me and man was it a mistake. My stepdad finally showed up and got us home really late. By the time we got there it was past curfew. We got called up to their quarters and asked why we were late. I told her why. She told me to go to my room and they would talk about what to do. I was so mad.at them. I just went off. I went on to tell one of the girls how they were trying to stop me from seeing my mom and my other family. They would have birthday parties for some of the ohter girls but not me. I felt hurt. After i went off one of the girls told on me because she wanted to stay and not get kicked out. So they kicked me out. Because we were not allowed to get a job, i didnt have any money. They would take most of my welfare check. I was kinda relieved and scared at the time because i didnt have any where to go. I finally got into one of the other shelters. It was a little better. They were renovating the place at the time so they had pulled my carpet up and gave me food with bugs in it. While i was there Andrew kept getting sick with respatory infections because there was no carpet. Not to mention we had roaches. I always had a hard time keeping the place clean. They would take most of my welfare check to supposedly save for when i get my own place. But i had a really hard time finding a job, because i had not graduated fom highschool and i just had a baby. So they let me go to. It was really hard. i stayed in several shelters after that . I had enrolled in a GED school for young mothers. I was almost done with my schooling when i had to stop. I got kicked out of another shelter and went to stay with a suposed to be friend. She ended up beating me up. Because she was pregnant i couldnt defend myself. So i left there and stayed with another friend that had the hots for me. I took care of his kids until i got a job working with my mom. So i started working and then my mom got her own place away from my step dad. They really didnt get along at all. She had asked me to come move in with her. At this time Andrew had just turned two. I was so mexcited. So i moved in with her, and kept working. It was really hard because i used to travel 2 hours by city bus just to get to work. It was really hard. I never really got used to it, I didnt like the job any way. All i ever did was sit there and call people for surveys. I always got bored really fast. But i worked with my mom till she went into the hospital. Before that, for my 21 birthday, she brought me a rose and a card. It made me feel so special. Well she eventually had to quit working by order of the doctor. She was not happy about it. So she started to stay at home. Iwould got to work and come home and take care of her and Andrew. I finally had to find another job becuase i couldnt keep taking 2 hour bus rides. I thought i had another job but just wasnt cut out for it. So i started looking for another one.Well at that time my mom had gotten better and started another job. She had a superviseer that had seen a picture of me and liked me. So she hooked us up. We started dating and then i got pregnant. He had asked me to marry him. I told him yes.He was supposed to transfer to a job i florida and had asked me to go with him. i said yes. My mom was so excited for me. Just as we were about to leave for florida the transfer didnt go through. So he had nowhere to go. So he moved in with me and my mom. He treated me good. Then all of a sudden he changed. He told me that his grandmother in Chicago was sick. He had to got there to take care of her and that he would be back. I was 4 months pregnant with my baby boy at the time so i couldnt get a job. S my mom got really upsetg and was ready to cut his balls off. He had bounced the rent check and almost got us kicked out of the apt.I was so hurt. i didnt know what to do. Istarted to get depressed and was thinking about giving up. My sister Veronica was there to stop me. I am so happy she was there when i needed her. I love her so much. Then me and my mom had a falling out because i wanted to visit some friends and she didnt want me to go. I went any way. She told me not to come back. so i didnt.We kinda fought for awhile. Then i heard she was in the hospital again and i went to visit her and she didnt want to see me. so i left.

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