Monday, March 28, 2011

Frustration in the air

So i was working like crazy. Then Nate started getting sick. I was taking him to the doctor every other day for a respatory infection. Finally after a month the docter told me he had asthma. I was so upset.I wanted to tell the docter, well why did you take so long to diagnoss him? So the doc gave him a machine and two diferent medicines. He finally started gaetting better. I was so relieved. Then a couple of months later Andrew got ring worm. I didnt see it at first so it turned into a staff infection. Thank god he got better fast. I hated working late because i could hardly ever get a ride home. I would walk to daycare from work and then carry Nate and Push Andrew in the stroller all the way home. Man it was hard but i did it. It is so worth it in the end. Then i lost my job because i called i to many times because my kids got sick or because i was sick. Stupid people. But hey it was all good. I was able to spend more time with my kids. By that time Andrew was getting ready to start kindergarten. I was excited and worried at the same time. My baby was growing up. So he started school and he loved it. He had the best teacher in the world. She was so patient with him. He loved to talk and get all the attention. He used to be the first one done with all his work. He just breezed right through school. Then halfway through the school year cps was involved in my life. They are so damn stupid. I had a hard time keeping my house clean. I t was always a mess. But what they failed to understandis that i am a single mother with two children. I was trying to find a job while walking around town with my son at the time. Nobody wanted to hire me because i was applying for jobs while i had my son in my lap. It was very hard. Then i had a hard time keeping my house clean. arrg.So then i got kicked out of the apartment because it was dirty. The stupid manager was racist. I had nothing but problems with the apartment. The cabinet doors have fallen on my friend and then on my son. Then my ac went out and they couldnt fix it till the next day. Then the neighbor kids kept picking on my son and trying to beat him. The manager, nor the cops, or cps would do anything about it. It was so frustrating. The stupid kids broke my windows out and the manager tried to blame it on me. Stupid crackhead son of a gun.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Ally. That is really tough. I'm sorry you went through all that. :( I do understand how tough it is to have babies and no vehicle. Made me sad about you saying your house was dirty when you were already a single mom and having to work. Seriously, it's hard for single moms to juggle it all. Even more sad you had to lose your kids for a bit. It hurts moms and kids. I have it really good because I have a husband who takes care of the working outside the home and I get to care for the home. I'm truly blessed to have stability. Just start over Ally. Don't let mean stuff said to you mess with your mind for the rest of your life.
